Wednesday, 23 November 2011


To Fellow garden enthusiasts -Sometimes I feel  more like a weatherman / lady than professional garden designer!   What a mild Autumn and beautiful Indian summer we have had.
But, plants are doing strange things! Some are flowering now that should not be in flower until early spring, just shows how warm it has been! I pruned back my viticella clematis earlier in the month and they have put on nearly 18” of new growth – that should not be happening until March next year at the earliest!
 Reliable sources are saying that when it does turn cold it will be very cold, very quickly – but not as cold as last winter – thank goodness.

PLANTS & DESIGN.         Whats happening?
Lots of berries around now.HIGHLY RECOMMENDED:
Callicarpa bodinerii ‘Profusion’ – fantastic purple/lilac berries.
Berberis ‘Koreanna’ amazing bunches of scarlet,ovoid berries.
Pyracantha – of course!
GRASSES  continue to look great!

Some deciduous shrubs that have lost their leaves are now showing their ‘skeletal’ shape – excellent is Viburnum plicatum ‘Marissiae’
Good time to choose some small evergreens, orange & purple pansies and do those autumn pots for the front!
MULCH for winter protection. Keep dead-heading.
BULBS: Good time for planting spring bulbs now.
SOIL – Observe for poor drainage and treat as noted last month.
Give plants that are looking a little tired a feed for a winter boost.
WRAP up Tree ferns & move any tender plants into the green house or under protection from frost.
Put Dahlia tubers into dry,dark, frost free storage

The book is selling fast - it will make a fantastic and very affordable christmas present for a garden enthusiast and help them to plan any new planting areas for next year!!